The University of Georgia’s mandatory undergraduate academic advisement programs are an essential part of the undergraduate educational experience which empowers students to attain their academic goals. Faculty and professional academic advisors of the University of Georgia will help undergraduate students understand the options and opportunities for academic programs of study, degree requirements, and course selection. Lower-division advising takes place in a student’s first two years and involves choosing courses to complete the UGA core, as well as selecting the appropriate sequence of introductory classes for a student’s major. Lower-division advising is centralized in Franklin College’s Office of Academic Advising in 301 Brooks Hall. Upper-division advising (third and fourth years or after 60 credit hours) for marine science majors is conducted before registration begins each semester. Dates for the advising period will be announced each semester by the undergraduate coordinator. The advising process proceeds as follows: Log into the SAGE advising portal to set an advising appointment with the undergraduate advisor for the department, Anne Marie Vencill. A list of marine science courses to be offered in the coming semester is available on the departmental website. You should consult this list prior to advising and prepare a list of the courses you might like to take and their call numbers, ensuring that there are no time conflicts. For a complete listing and basic descriptions of anthropology courses, please go to the Undergraduate Bulletin. During your advising appointment, you will go over your degree requirements and finalize your course selections for the upcoming semester. Register online through Athena. Senior majors needing a particular course to graduate — one that might already be full — can contact the professor teaching that course to request being added. Whenever possible the professor will accommodate the student. However, sometimes classroom space or the nature of the particular course makes this accommodation impossible. Students are therefore urged to satisfy all their core areas before taking their marine science electives. Note: Advising and registration are two separate processes. The department does the advising; the Registrar's Office, through Athena, handles registration. All students must be advised before they are allowed to register. Anyone not advised prior to the beginning of registration will have to wait until Late Registration to be advised and to register.