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Climate Change

climate change

The oceans play a crucial role in the regulation of Earth’s climate. Faculty in UGA Marine Sciences study how changes to the Earth’s climate affects the oceans as well as how the oceans affect the climate of the planet. These studies take place across the globe, from the Arctic to the Antarctic and places in between; they cover the global to the regional scale, with investigations of how sea level rise affects coastal systems to how microbial processes regulate planetary climate. In undertaking this research, UGA faculty use tools from chemical, biological, geological and physical oceanography and combine field observations with computer models to provide a fully interdisciplinary approach. 


Marine ecology of nearshore environments; estuarine food webs; impacts of freshwater withdrawal on coastal systems; models of estuarine flushing times; biological characteristics and fate of suspended sediments in estuaries; human impacts in the coastal zone; interactions between science and policy

Research in the Bik Lab is intensely interdisciplinary, using high-throughput sequencing and diverse –Omics approaches to explore broad patterns in marine microbes (biodiversity and phylogeography, functional roles for microbial taxa, and the relationship between species and environmental parameters), with an emphasis on…

Aspects of environmental chemistry, chemical oceanography, and atmospheric chemistry including:
(1) The transport of biologically important elements to oceans and estuaries via aerosols 
(2) The processes controlling aerosol elemental solubility and metal speciation 
(3) The fate of aerosol derived trace elements and…

My research involves the use of mathematical and computer modeling to understand how different marine systems function and how they might change under changing environmental and climate conditions. For me, a marine system can mean many things; a the biological and chemical transformations of a single particle of detrital material…

Activities in the Joye Research Group aim to discover, document, resolve, and understand the complex interactions that drive elemental cycling in coastal and open ocean environments across the globe. Our purpose is to elucidate feedbacks between environmental, microbiological, and biogeochemical dynamics. Our research examines the effects of…

Reactive-Transport Modeling and Biogeochemical Cycling 

bioturbation, microbial metabolism, in silico microbial models and upscaling, nutrient dynamics and human impacts at the land-ocean interface, salt marsh carbon and groundwater dynamics, iron cycling and redox oscillations, hydrothermal vents, oil spill impacts

I am a chemical oceanographer with an early marine biology background. My research path has been from clams to metal chemistry to ocean optics to satellites; the result of following interesting interdisciplinary problems. Specific interests include:

Aquatic Photochemistry: It significance to redox chemistry and reactive oxygen species,…

My research group focuses on coastal ecosystem ecology. I seek to develop an integrated understanding of ecological and biogeochemical processes in order to refine the role of estuaries and wetlands in the global carbon cycle and predict the likelihood of recovery from human disturbances. My group uses innovative geochemical tracer approaches,…

Research Emphasis:

Yager's interdisciplinary research approach includes oceanography, marine microbial ecology and biogeochemistry. Her work concentrates on the interactions between climate and marine ecosystems, and includes both fieldwork and modeling. Recent projects include investigating…

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