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Tags: Athens Events

ABSTRACT: Sediment transport processes affect oxygen and carbon dynamics in coastal environments through a variety of processes.  Seabed resuspension, for example, can vertically mix sediment and water, facilitating decomposition of organic matter and oxygen consumption. Redistribution of inorganic and organic particles among coastal environments, e.g. between marshes and estuaries, can also affect biogeochemical budgets. The relative…
Processes that either promote growth or cause mortality drive the abundance of all organisms. For microbes that have a lifespan measured in hours to days, small changes in growth and mortality rates can have significant impacts on their population dynamics. While factors that influence phytoplankton growth are often examined, it has been difficult to parameterize phytoplankton population dynamics due to incomplete estimates of phytoplankton…
Abstract:   High-throughput sequencing has advanced our understanding of the role that bacteria and archaea play in marine, terrestrial and host-associated health. Microbial community ecology differs in many ways from macroecology, and therefore new statistical methods are required to analyze microbiome data. In this talk I will present two new statistical methods for the analysis of microbiome data. The first, DivNet, estimates the…
ABSTRACT:  Copepods - small marine crustaceans often referred to as the most abundant animal on Earth - form a vital link in carbon and nitrogen fluxes in the oceanic water column food webs. Copepod microbiome may be important in providing unique niches for marine bacteria and in influencing copepod health, and its activities potentially have quantitative importance in marine biogeochemical cycles. In this talk I will discuss recent studies…

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