Monday, October 10 2022, 12:40pm Athens Zac Cooper Marine Sciences University of Georgia Seminars Please join us on Monday October 10 at 12:40 pm for the UGA Department of Marine Sciences seminar. One of the postdocs in our department, Dr. Zac Cooper, will be presenting his work entitled Using ‘omics to explore the evolution of psychrohalophilic bacteria from polar brines and the metabolic efficiency of mesophilic bacteria from the surface ocean. If anyone would like to meet with the speaker after the talk, please email Bill Miller to set up a meeting ( The Zoom link for those of you joining from your computers will be For those attending in person, Marine Sciences Room 239 and the Skidaway Auditorium will either host the speaker or have a live feed of the talk. The room will be open at 12:20 pm, and the talk will begin at 12:40 pm. Our complete schedule of talks this semester is listed on the calendar: