Monday, March 13 2023, 12:40pm Athens Emmanuel Boss Marine Sciences: Rising Tide Center University of Maine Dr. Emmanuel Boss Contact Page Seminars Please join us Monday March 13 at 12:40 pm for the UGA Department of Marine Sciences seminar. Dr. Emmanuel Boss, a Professor at the University of Maine, will present his work entitled Four disruptive technologies that are revolutionizing sensing of the oceans. If anyone would like to meet with the speaker after the talk or on Tuesday, please email Dr. Rivero-Calle to set up a meeting ( Abstract: The maker movement (cheap electronics + sharing), automated microscopy, autonomous platforms with biogeochemical sensors and small footprint satellites have been revolutionizing oceanography, opening a variety of new avenues for research and requiring a different education model. In this talk I will summarize a few activities my lab has been involved in that are associated with these disruptive technologies and why I am very optimistic for the future of our field in the coming years. The Zoom link for those of you joining from your computers will be Marine Sciences Room 239 and the Skidaway Auditorium will either host the speaker or have a live feed of the talk. The room will open at 12:20 pm, and the talk will begin at 12:40 pm.