Monday, March 20 2023, 12:40pm Athens Margot White Earth Sciences University of Zurich Dr. Margo White's Contact Information Seminars Please join us Monday March 20 at 12:40 pm for the UGA Department of Marine Sciences seminar. Dr. Margot White, a Postdoctoral Researcher at ETH Zurich, will present her work entitled Radiocarbon-based insights into aquatic carbon cycling. If anyone would like to meet with the speaker after the talk, please email Dr. Saunders to set up a meeting ( Abstract: Large perturbations to the global carbon cycle in the form of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations have resulted in climate change as well as warming and deoxygenation of aquatic ecosystems. Delineating how these and future perturbations interact with natural C cycles requires a thorough understanding of reservoirs, fluxes, and processes. Natural abundance radiocarbon is an ideal tool to deconvolute sources of carbon and to estimate the residence time of carbon within a particular reservoir. In the first part of this talk, I will discuss the application of radiocarbon measurements to studies of the changing carbon cycle in Switzerland. The second part of the talk will focus on marine dissolved organic carbon and the connection between composition and radiocarbon age as revealed by chemical and thermal degradation techniques. The Zoom link for those of you joining from your computers will be Marine Sciences Room 239 and the Skidaway Auditorium will have a live feed of the talk. The room will open at 12:20 pm, and the talk will begin at 12:40 pm.