Wednesday, February 15 2023, 12:40pm Athens Dr. Jimmy Nelson Department of Biology University of Louisiana Dr. Nelson's Website Seminars Please join us tomorrow (Wednesday), February 15 at 12:40 pm for a seminar by Dr. Jimmy Nelson, a faculty candidate in Marine Conservation and Sustainability in the Department of Marine Sciences. Details are below. Title: Understanding Ecosystem Function to Enhance Conservation Outcomes Abstract: Coastal systems provide a suite of vital functions that support natural and human communities. Humans frequently take for granted and exploit these functions without fully understanding the ecological feedbacks, linkages, and interdependencies of these processes to the wider ecosystem. While human demand on coastal ecosystem services has risen, they have experienced substantial change due to a number or direct and indirect impacts from human activity. Science driven decision making informed by solid ecological theory will be critical to sustaining, conserving, and managing the services coastal ecosystems provide. I will demonstrate how modern remote sensing and data driven tools can substantially increase our understanding of coastal ecosystem function and enhance our ability to conserve and restore these systems. The speaker (and all upcoming faculty candidates) will be presenting in person in Athens (Room 239), but the talk will be broadcast to the Skidaway Auditorium and available to watch on Zoom ( As usual, the room will open at 12:20 pm and the talk will begin at 12:40. The seminar will be recorded for those who cannot attend.