Monday, March 25 2024, 3:30pm Skidaway Dr. Peng Lin Savannah River Ecology Laboratory University of Georgia Seminars Peng Lin is an Assistant Research Scientist in Marine Chemistry and Environmental Radiochemistry, from Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia since 2023, with a focus on biogeochemistry of trace elements and radionuclides in the environment, carbon and nutrients cycling, and geochemical modeling for low-level nuclear waste disposal in grout. He graduated as a Ph.D. student in Marine Chemistry from Xiamen University, China in 2012. He has worked as Postdoctoral Associate at School of Freshwater Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2013-2016) and as Assistant Research Scientist at Department of Marine and Costal Environmental Science, Texas A&M University Galveston campus (2016-2022). He had participated into several research programs funded by NSF, DOE, and DOD during the past 10 years. Siderophore compounds as carriers of Fe-like trace metals and radionuclides in natural environments Microorganisms produce soluble low-molecular-weight (LMW, <1 kDa) siderophores, one of the strongest Fe-binding agents, to respond to the scarcity of Fe in the ocean. Most current studies have focused on this Fe-carrying ligands in the dissolved phase. The presence of siderophores in marine particles/colloids is mostly not considered. Through the laboratory incubation experiment and field investigation, we provide the experimental evidence suggesting the possibility of siderophore incorporation into marine particles, serving as one of the strongest carriers for the Fe and Fe-like trace metals and radionuclides (e.g., thorium (Th), protactinium (Pa), plutonium (Pu)) being removed into the deeper ocean.