Monday, February 17 2025, 3:30pm Skidaway Dr. Glen Gawarkiewicz Coastal Oceanography Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Dr Glen Gawarkiewicz's Homepage Seminars Dr. Gawarkiewicz will be joining us from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Dr Gawarkiewica will present his seminar: Title: Recent Shelf/Slope Variability in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Implications for Fisheries Abstract: The shelf/slope environment in the Middle Atlantic Bight is highly productive and supports commercial fisheries. Since the year 2000, however, shifts in Gulf Stream meandering and annual formation rates of Warm Core Rings have led to increasing frequency of shelf break exchange processes. Onshore intrusions of warm, salty water have increased substantially in terms of frequency and salinity contrast with shelf water. However, over the past two years there has been a significant shift due to transport of cold fresh water from the north. Implications of this recent shift will be discussed with particular emphasis on fishing conditions in 2024.