Bill in a Nutshell My research is in biogeochemistry and marine photochemistry, examining its integrated role in carbon and trace gas cycling, ocean optics, reactive oxygen species and metal redox chemistry, and the biological consequences of all this. I blend lab and field studies with satellite imagery to calculate photochemical rates on global to regional scales. Born and raised in Monroeville, AL, I have degrees from Wake Forest University (BA, Biology), South Florida (MSc, Marine Science), and the Graduate School of Oceanography at Rhode Island, (PhD, Chemical Oceanography). During my NRC postdoc with the EPA in Athens GA, I expanded my perspective with field programs examining the effect of fire on soil gas exchange in South Africa and the boreal forests of northern Canada. I was lead PI for the Canadian Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study, executing a mesoscale iron addition in the N. Pacific, and three N. Atlantic cruises with aircraft support to study the link between productivity and trace gas exchange. I have served on national and international science boards and have participated in pretty much all aspects of ocean education and research. To be continued... Research Areas: Chemical Oceanography Biogeochemistry Climate Change