Monday, April 17 2017, 12:20pm 261 Marine Science Bldg. Seminars Athens Events About the presentation: "The presentation is organized as follows. At first, the experimental works I carried out during my PhD studies to explore tide-driven influential parameters on sediment transport in Ota Diversion Channel, Hiroshima, Japan, are briefly described. This part mainly discusses the application of conventional acoustic systems, their abilities, and challenges that inspired me to start working on Shallow Acoustic Tomography technique. Development of a new time-of-travel instrument called Riverine and Coastal Tomography (RCAT) system that enables application of tomographic technique in extremely shallow (<0.5 m deep) waters are presented in the next section. The system enables long-term (order of years) continuous monitoring of path-averaged flow velocity with high temporal (1/30 Hz) resolution in real time. The unprecedented results of flow visualization using an array RCATs as well as benchmarking the system against well-established methods are also included. Last part describes my efforts for developing an acoustic Doppler system called SwathDopp. SwathDopp is a pulse-coherent bistatic sonar with beamforming ability that allows high-resolution measurements of flow and suspended sediment concentration in vertical sections. This is an ongoing work, therefore there are a few unanswered questions in the numerical model that predicts the behavior of the system. The results of the application of the system in laboratory-based experiments are presented at the end."