Thursday, June 14, 2018
The R/V Savannah rescued two fishermen while on a routine research expedition on June 8th.
Monday, June 11, 2018
Carolina Ernani da Silva successfully defended her Master's thesis- titled "Mississippi River Plume Variability in the Gulf of Mexico based on MODIS-Aqua and SMAP observations"- on Friday. After this, her plans are to navigate Dutch waters while wor
Previously, UGA's Ocean Initiative Club created a trash monster using items gathered throughout campus (the full story on that can be viewed here.) This time, ECOGIG tried their hand at creating a one of
Friday, May 25, 2018
We previously reported on Xiaojia He's amazing opportunity to present his research at the World Talent Forum on Environmental Science and Engineering in Tianjin, China's Nankai University (if you missed, please check out that story
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Many researchers are concerned about the rising sea levels and the effects they will have on our coastlines- many of which contain historical sites. One of these sites is Fort Pulaski on the Georgia coast.
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